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Overwhelmed Trader

Betfair Trading Training - Self Development - How to Guard Against Being Overwhelmed

Martin's picture
Feb 27, 2020

As you will know if you have been a member of BTC we are big advocates of self-development and evaluation. We think it is an integral part of training to be a Professional Trader on Betfair and something that does not get enough focus elsewhere on the internet. 

Self-development is an ongoing process and every trader on Betfair should be doing so regardless of their level of trading. We are of course academics of the Betfair Trading Academy! 

doubling your trading bank with Betfair trading community

Double your chances of doubling your bank… trade with your head, not your heart. Here’s how…

Ryan Carruthers's picture
Nov 29, 2019

Have you ever traded with your emotions rather than your head?

I think at some stage in our trading we have all been there, take our recent new member Keith for example.

Keith joined up with BTC very recently, he fell foul to all of the things that want to be better traders have fallen foul of at some stage he was chasing losses, trying desperately to find value where he knew there was none. Unsure of what to do and where to turn he joined BTC and believes he has finally found the right place.
