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Market Hype Floyd Mayweather v Conor McGregor

Martin's picture
Aug 24, 2017

I often use what I refer to as 'market hype' to my advantage when trading. What I mean by market hype is a market that has been heavily effected by the 'hype' or promotion surrounding the event, in such a way that the odds become distorted. Think England football team in every major tournament since Betfair began!

So what is the number one sport for this phenomenon...Boxing! 

Yes that's right, the sport with the most 'smack talk' and sales nonsense ever known to man also happens to be the sport with the most distorted odds as a result. You know that time Sky and

Members advice

Lack of Discipline is Killing Your Betfair Trading

Ryan Carruthers's picture
Jun 09, 2017

I wanted to write a post which addresses a great problem that a lot of traders face and that is a lack of discipline. In fact one of the members recently posted in the group that they were struggling with trading and in true BTC fashion the members were there to help and get him on the right track, over the course of this blog post I will include some if the excellent advice that they said, why? 

