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What I have learnt about Betfair during Coronavirus!

Martin's picture
Apr 07, 2020

It has been another week of Convid 19 dominating the sports trading landscape, so let's not dwell too much on the virus. Those of you who read my thoughts regularly will know I am a huge advocate of turning your obstacles into opportunities and this is the perfect time to do that!

What I am particularly interested in is how Betfair has responded to the lack of sport to trade. By that I mean how have the markets of the Betfair exchange reacted? Where are the common opportunities in the markets that remain active?

Whilst I commend my Betfair trading comrades for managing to eek out a profit on the Belarussian league, I am focussing more on learning new skills and in particular the horse racing trading markets. 

For me this is the great opportunity to have come from all of the disruption, the great chance we all have to learn new things that we did not have time for before.

If you have not completed our Betfair Trading Course yet then for goodness sake get over here and do so! This is the perfect opportunity!

So what have I noticed from studying the horse racing markets here on the Betfair Exchange? 

The moves seem fairly predictable!

I have mentioned this in my strategy videos but it seems in these US and Aussie races that if the market bounces up and down on one horse's price then it will keep doing so. I actually did a really quick video trading with pennies to demonstrate how easy this is to follow (I will add it to the trading course in a few days!)

The other key thing I have noticed is how the in-running the market is all over the place, to the extent that the overround is in the backers favour, sometimes for a handful of seconds before the market self corrects. This means if you are sharp in play you can back a horse that you can see is overpriced. 

Why is this? I think the lower liquidity in the market means that the easy money is not being hoovered up in the same way it is in the UK racing, therefore value prices are surviving longer than they should!

So there you have it!

A couple of interesting (and more importantly profitable) observations I have made in the past couple of days. Have a look yourself and see what you think! 

Take this opportunity to learn, the gift of time is not very often bestowed upon us in life, so don't waste it.

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