Best Sport to Trade on Betfair - Tennis? | Betfair Trading Community

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Best Sport to Trade on Betfair - Tennis?

Best Sport to Trade on Betfair - Tennis?

Martin's picture
Apr 26, 2019

Anyone who has been around Betfair Trading Community for a while will know that one of the first pillars of advice we give our new sports traders is to master one sport at a time before moving onto another one. The four main sports we cover are football, tennis, horse racing and cricket and we will do a piece on each sport. 

In this series we will talk about why each sport can be better than the other and hopefully help you to decide which sport you want to trade yourself!

Today's sport is Tennis so if you have any interest in trading this sport then read/watch/listen on:

10 reasons you should consider trading tennis above other sports:

1. It is a daytime sport - so depending on which country the event is being played in it can be great as, unlike football, it will be on a lot of the time during the traditional working week (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)! This will suit a family or sociable person 

2. It can be easier to find your trading groove with tennis as the market moves up and down virtually every point - Lot's of swings but rarely massive ones and often plenty of time to get in and out inbetween sit downs.

3. There is a lot of liquidity on the bigger matches and very good liquidity on most ATP and WTA matches - That is a hell of a lot of tennis that can be traded on, regardless of your bank size.

4. It is an individual sport therefore there are less factors to consider - If you research the players and begin to know their match habits you can identify when to get in and out of the market, in team sports you need all 11 players on your side to make money, in tennis you only need one! 

5. We have incredible and unique tennis trading software that you can use to choose the games you want to trade that day -

So you can create your own filter for finding the games that meet your trading criteria in advance, or follow our pre-set member's filters if you do not want to create one of your own Betfair trading strategies. Not only does this help gain you a potential edge on the Betfair markets but it also will save you bags of time not researching through the list of every game each day to narrow your selections down. 

6. Ryan is a great tennis trader and one of the best on Betfair - And we can ask him anything about tennis trading and get the answer!

7. We will soon be adding tennis to our daily email picks - So you will have a good idea where to start with your tennis trading. 

8. BTC Members Forum support is a huge help for tennis traders - it is only of our most popular sports to trade: 

9. The outright betting markets on tennis can offer juicy prices on outsiders winning - Grand slams aside the smaller tournaments can often be won by surprise winners even the masters (Fognini anyone? Henman even won a masters!) If you do your research this can be a lucrative market.

10. The tennis season runs for around 11 months of the year so you can plan your time around it - Plenty of tournaments to trade throughout the year too! 

So there you have it, 10 very good reasons you should trade tennis above other sports! Join us next time when we will argue that Horses are the best sport to start learning to trade.