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5 tips to successfully synchronise trading with your everyday life:

Martin's picture
Jul 19, 2016

One thing I think every serious sport trader has faced is how tricky it can be to fit trading around your everyday life. When every trader starts their journey they will have to add trading to a likely already packed social schedule. Well the good news is that it does not have to be one or the other. Some compromises may have to be reached but there is no real reason that both sides of your life cannot work together in a seamless way.

Breaking A Myth

Luke Ridger's picture
May 26, 2016

Hands up who still gambles…. me too. Whether you are a new trader cutting your teeth, or someone who has multiple years of experience, there seems to be a taboo about gambling. I realised pretty soon after starting my trading journey, that gambling/betting was seen as too risky, or in other terms, not sustainable - is that true?