Chasing your losses when trading on Betfair? Here's what that spiral leads to, and how to tackle it? | Betfair Trading Community

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Chasing your losses when trading on Betfair? Here's what that spiral leads to, and how to tackle it?

You have just lost on a trade on Betfair, you feel terrible why did it lose? Why does this keep happening? Then smack right in the stomach you get that daunting feeling that you have lost money again while trading on Betfair and the next stage is always the worst its that out of control panic that forces you to find the next available market that you think you have an angle on to get the losses back….. after what feels like no time at all you have gone full tilt and now you have spiralled…. It is a feeling that all traders on Betfair have had, one that we know we shouldnt but right there in that moment we are powerless to resist we have to win that money back, we cannot lose…. In this video from Ryan Carruthers from Betfair Trading Community I am going to go into detail about chasing losses on your trading on Betfair and how it is costing you, I will cover some things on how to tackle it was well. There is one big take away I want you to get from this video, let me know what you have taken away from the video in the comments below? This video forms a series of videos around this topic taking you through different stages of trading mentality on Betfair produced by Betfair Trading Community, you can see them all on
