Do you ever feel like you don’t know what you are trading? So you just randomly trade?

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If you have been feeling that utter dread, that dread in the pit of your stomach because you don’t have the discipline when trading on Betfair that leads you to over staking because you thought you could build your bank faster because that would get you closer to your goals then this is the blog post for you….
It is that time of year again when the bookmakers are full of every single person in the world trying to place a bet.
They have listened to that crazy lady who got in the bath with some weird candles and the racing post to pick that 50/1 winner if you didn't guess it already then its the Grand National!
Are you ready for that roar again?
I cannot believe we have come back around to another very exciting time….. the festival of all festivals and
as traders on Betfair, I know that you are actually buzzing to get started, come on you can admit it? BUT please don’t do anything on the exchanges before reading this blog post!
The first big tennis tournament of the year is here then! Wahooo! I don’t know why I am so cheery with the hours that it will mean I am up working?!
Today I am tasked with a very difficult task, selecting the top BTC posts from 2017. Let’s be honest as I am a crazy cat man it is like asking me to pick between my favourite cat.
I am back from the London game yesterday guys! What a game for the Jags, I will start with this game shall I?